jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


En nuestro deseo de que conozcáis un poco más cómo es Valencia os dejamos este vídeo que nos muestra parte de nuestra cultura, arte, historia, gastronomía, nuestras fiestas tradicionales, muy emotivas y, a la vez también, un poco ruidosas.
Solo hay una cosa que no muestra este vídeo, nuestro carácter; abierto, alegre y hospitalario, pero eso es algo que seguro comprobaréis cuando os encontréis entre nosotros. 

Esperamos que os guste. Y os invitamos a que nos mostréis un poquito de vuestra cultura.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


Aquí os dejamos las fotos de la sesión de Skype que realizamos ayer con los estudiantes americanos, no sabemos qué os pareció a vosotros, a nosotros entre los preparativos y todo lo demás se nos hizo muy corto, así que, vamos a ver si  podemos volver a conectar otro día. ¿Qué opináis vosotros? ¿Os gustaría volver a conectar?
Haz clic en el enlace y podrás ver el resto de las fotos

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011


Senyor pirotecnic, pot ascomensar la mascletà!

¿Qué es una mascletá? para quien no lo sepa y para quien lo sabe y las echa de menos, aquí tenéis un enlace para disfrutar de las Mascletás que estos días de Fallas, vivimos en Valencia.
Dad vosotros mismos paso a la Mascletá


Hola chicos, ¿Qué tal? Ya hemos empezado la cuenta atrás pues estamos a sólo un mes para que nos visitéis, aunque nos podremos conocer el próximo 22 de marzo cuando nos conectemos y hagamos las presentaciones.
Recordad, el próximo martes día 22 a las 16:30 h en el aula de informática 3.
¡¡¡ NO FALTÉIS !!!

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


Fallas, a night to remember

Music, fire and a good helping of fun are here to welcome in the spring in Valencia. In March, the city's streets will be buzzing with people, a constant throng of tourists keen to experience the Region of Valencia's most popular festival, the Fallas.

Between 14th and 19th March, Valencia celebrates the most important days of its Festival of International Tourist Interest.

Every day, the mascletàs (firecracker displays) captivate Valencians and visitors alike. At 2 p.m. the Plaza del Ayuntamiento square is transformed into the highlight of these festivities as over a hundred kilos of gunpowder are ignited in this privileged spot.

Of all the spectacular pyrotechnics taking place in Valencia during the Fallas celebrations, the most magnificent display is undoubtedly the Castle of Fireworks. Between 15th and 18th March, starting at midnight, the Paseo de la Alameda boulevard will be offering an incredible display of pyrotechnics, with 18th March, known as Nit del Foc, being the most sensational of all.

Few moments are as intense as la Plantà (the setting up) of the Fallas monuments in the children's and adult category. Between 15th and 16th March, all the elements of the monuments will be assembled. Starting at 8 a.m. on 15th March, the children's monuments will be set up and, on the next day, at the same time, preparations get underway for the Fallas in the adult category.

A visit to the Fallas Museum in Valencia is also highly recommended, where you will find a fantastic collection of Ninots indultats, the figures that have been saved from the flames between 1984 and 2010. A good number of posters and paintings from Valencia's Fallas celebrations are also on display here.

The different Fallas delegations work very hard all year round to ensure both locals and visitors alike have tremendous fun over these few days. So taking a stroll around the different areas of this city on the River Turia comes highly recommended, as music and a festive atmosphere will be spreading to every corner of Valencia.

Another of the most impressive acts during the Fallas is the Floral Offering to Our Lady of the Foresaken on 17th and 18th March. Visibly moved, the members of the Fallas delegations make their way through the streets to the Plaza de la Virgen square together with the retinues of the Fallas Queens (children and adults), to lay flowers in honour of the Virgin. Undoubtedly, a worthy prelude to the big night of 19th March, known as Nit de la Cremà.

And finally, the big night arrives. During the Nit de la Cremà on 19th March, the day of Saint Joseph, emotions run high. Fallas monuments become fuel for the fire, starting with the children's Fallas at 10 p.m., whilst the others have until midnight before they are consumed by the flames.